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Downscaled Takes

Downscaled take-trimmed and time-synchronized videos.


Download with --parts downscaled_takes/448

We have pre-processed the take frame_aligned_videos and made them available. They are used for some baseline training.

They are downscaled to 448px on the shorter-side. Once downloaded, they will be placed in each take directory, i.e. under: takes/<take_name>/frame_aligned_videos/downscaled/448/<video_name>.mp4 where <video_name> is associated to the non-downscaled variant. In other words, it is available for each camera and stream.

For example, here is tree output relative to the <download_dir> for a take directory:

├── aria01_1201-1.mp4
├── aria01_1201-2.mp4
├── aria01_211-1.mp4
├── aria01_214-1.mp4
├── cam01.mp4
├── cam02.mp4
├── cam03.mp4
├── cam04.mp4
└── downscaled
└── 448
├── aria01_1201-1.mp4
├── aria01_1201-2.mp4
├── aria01_211-1.mp4
├── aria01_214-1.mp4
├── cam01.mp4
├── cam02.mp4
├── cam03.mp4
├── cam04.mp4
└── ego_preview.mp4