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EgoPose annotations are now available in V2 and V1 of the dataset. Download with --parts annotations --benchmarks egopose. You can also download with --benchmarks handpose or --benchmarks bodypose to filter just body or hand pose annotations.

EgoPose Annotations

The ground truth of EgoPose is annotated at the timestamp level for each take. At each timestamp with valid annotations, a single set of global 3D keypoints are provided, along with the corresponding 2D keypoints on ego and exo cameras.

Camera metadata for each take including intrinsic and extrinsic matrices are also provided in separate json files. We will describe the details below.

2D/3D Keypoints JSON Structure

For each take, the 2D and 3D keypoints are grouped by the frame number. One can use frame_number as index to query annotations.

Example Usage

import os
import json

dataset_root_dir = "<download_root_dir>"
take_uid = "<take_uid>" # e.g. "80f65504-a37a-4c84-8a19-df3bba123326"
take_json_path = os.path.join(dataset_root_dir, "annotations/ego_pose/train/hand/annotation/", f"{take_uid}.json")

ann_data = json.load(open(take_json_path))

# Example Python code to access 2D annotations for 'cam01' and 'cam02'
cam01_annotations = ann_data['3468'][0]['annotation2D']['cam01']
cam02_annotations = ann_data['3468'][0]['annotation2D']['cam02']

# Example usage of 3D annotations for 'right_middle_2' joint
right_middle_2_3d = ann_data['3468'][0]['annotation3D']['right_middle_2']

JSON Structure

Here is a typical structure for EgoPose


"<frame_number>": [{
"metadata": {
"take_uid": (string),
"take_name": (string),
"frame_number": (int)
"annotation2D": {
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"placement": (string)
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"placement": (string)
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"placement": (string)
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"placement": (string)
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"placement": (string)
"annotation3D": {
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"z": (float),
"num_views_for_3d": (int)
"<joint_name>": {
"x": (float),
"y": (float),
"z": (float),
"num_views_for_3d": (int)


  • take_uid (String): Unique identifier for the take.
  • take_name (String): Name of the take.
  • frame_number (Integer): Frame number associated with the data.

2D Annotations

  • annotation2D (Object): Contains 2D annotations from different cameras and perspectives.

    • cam01 to cam04 (Object): Annotations from individual cameras. For hand, an additional aria camera is provided.

      • joint_name (Object): Coordinates and placement information for specific joints.

        • x (Float): X-coordinate.
        • y (Float): Y-coordinate.
        • placement (String): Indicates whether the annotation is manual or auto-generated.

3D Annotations

  • annotation3D (Object): Contains 3D annotations for specific joints.

    • joint_name (Object): Coordinates in 3D space and the number of views used for 3D annotation.

      • x (Float): Coordinates in 3D space.
      • y (Float): Coordinates in 3D space.
      • z (Float): Coordinates in 3D space.
      • num_views_for_3d (Integer): Number of views considered for 3D annotation.

Joint Names

In EgoPose, body and hand are annotated separately. Please refer to seperate json for body and hand individually. The group of joint names adopted in body and hand annotations are:

  • joint_name for Body (17 in total):

    left-shoulder, right-shoulder, left-knee, right-knee, left-elbow, right-elbow, left-eye, right-eye, left-wrist, right-wrist, left-ankle, right-ankle, left-hip, right-hip, left-ear, right-ear, nose

Body Pose

  • joint_name for Hand (42 in total, 21 for left hand, 21 for right hand):

left_pinky_1, left_pinky_2, left_pinky_3, left_pinky_4, left_ring_1, left_ring_2, left_ring_3, left_ring_4, left_middle_1, left_middle_2, left_middle_3, left_middle_4, left_index_1, left_index_2, left_index_3, left_index_4, left_thumb_1, left_thumb_2, left_thumb_3, left_thumb_4, left_wrist, right_pinky_1, right_pinky_2, right_pinky_3, right_pinky_4, right_ring_1, right_ring_2, right_ring_3, right_ring_4, right_middle_1, right_middle_2, right_middle_3, right_middle_4, right_index_1, right_index_2, right_index_3, right_index_4, right_thumb_1, right_thumb_2, right_thumb_3, right_thumb_4, right_wrist

Hand Pose

Camera Pose JSON Structure

For each take, the corresponding camera pose json contains the necessary information for each timestamp. A typical structure is as below:


"<frame_number>": {
"metadata": {
"take_uid": (string),
"take_name": (string),
"frame_number": (int)
"aria": {
"camera_intrinsics": [
"camera_extrinsics": [
"cam01": {
"camera_intrinsics": [
"camera_extrinsics": [
"cam02": {
"camera_intrinsics": [
"camera_extrinsics": [
"cam03": {
"camera_intrinsics": [
"camera_extrinsics": [
"cam04": {
"camera_intrinsics": [
"camera_extrinsics": [


  • take_uid (String): Unique identifier for the take.
  • take_name (String): Name of the take.
  • frame_number (Integer): Frame number associated with the data.

Camera Matrices

For each camera, the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices are provided as 3x4 transformation matrices.